Annotation Guide and Notes


How to Annotate Filaments in V7?

What to Do When Filaments' Chirality Is Not Clear?

Annotation from Developers' Perspective:

Apps & Places:

General Tips:

Tips on Using Slack:

Who to Ask What:

Naomi Douglas

[Annotation Admin]

Naomi is our annotation expert with many hours of first-hand experience. They can help you use V7 more effectively.

Riley Wu

[Annotation Admin]

Riley is our annotation expert with many hours of first-hand experience. They can help you use V7 more effectively.

Laxmi Alekhya Nagubandi

[Front-End Developer]

Alekhya is the developer of our GONG H-Alpha Viewer. Let them know if you faced any issue.

Dr. Aparna Venkataramanasastry

[Solar Physicists]

Aparna knows all about filaments. They can help you classify filaments.

Dr. Azim Ahmadzadeh

[Computer Scientist]

You can ask me about anything and I will pretend that I know it all! You can also ask me things that are not listed above.